Establishing Bathroom Rules With Your Live-in Partner

Roommates spending time together

Moving into your place with your best mate, significant other, or a housemate you’ve just met is thrilling. You feel excited about making your own rules for a change, having your own space, and finally feeling like an ‘adult.’ It’s all fun and games until you find out that the person you have to share the space with is a significant slob.

No coming-of-age movie or college course taught you how to handle this awkward situation. How do you tell your loving partner they need to light a match after using the toilet without embarrassing them? First, don’t wait for something to happen to establish clear ground rules and boundaries.

Here’s how you can establish bathroom rules with your live-in partner without significantly impacting your relationship.
Immaculately clean bathroom

Allocate spaces for your toiletries.

Will you share your bathroom supplies, or do you want to keep things separate? If so, one way to avoid bickering about the invasion of personal space is to ensure you both have an equal amount of space in the bathroom. Separate your towel space and think about where you can compromise and share, such as using one toothpaste or shampoo.

Have a bathroom schedule.

Depending on your schedules, you can figure out who needs access to the toilet first. Also, respect each other’s time and needs by avoiding taking hour-long baths and drying your hair excessively.

Have other places for getting ready

Make sure there’s a mirror in your room so you can perform half of your getting-ready routine outside of the bathroom. This can free up the space for your partner and avoid conflicts. You can even shift your make-up and hair-styling tools to your room and set up a place near the dresser for convenience.

Keep your Bathroom Odorless with Trackless Flush Sheets

Introduce your partner to the wonder of Trackless Flush Sheets, which dissolve rapidly in the commode and release enzymes that eat any bacteria. The American standard toilet sheets are color-coded so that they can be used for commercial, residential, and recreational use. For more information about these useful water-saving products and eco-friendly trackless flush sheets for your toilet, contact us at