3 Key Reasons to Use Trackless Flush Sheets

According to a survey, an average adult spends around 25 minutes per day in the bathroom. This includes using the facilities, getting ready and showering. With so much time being spent in the bathroom, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene is extremely important to avoid common germs and bacteria as well as ensuring a healthy environment.

When it comes to cleaning the toilets, surveys show that it is one of the least favorite tasks for maintaining a clean, healthy household. The average amount of times the bathroom is cleaned in the United States is seven times a month.

However, that is not enough to keep harmful bacteria from breeding in the toilet and preventing the toilet from smelling. That’s where the Trackless Flush Sheets come in. A revolutionary product in toilet hygiene, trackless flush sheets make it easy to ensure that the toilet always stays clean.

Here are our top reasons why you should use Trackless Flush Sheets in your residential, commercial, or any other bathroom:

3 Key Reasons to Use Trackless Flush Sheets

An Effortlessly Clean Toilet All the Time

Cleaning the toilet properly takes a lot of time and effort and must be done regularly to avoid unpleasant smells and ensure hygiene. Over time the toilet bowl develops marks from regular usage and improper disposal of the waste. It takes a great deal of scrubbing to get rid of the marks as well as other yucky stuff that tends to accumulate in the toilet.

Using trackless flush sheets creates a barrier between the sides of the toilet and the waste, including feces and common toilet paper products. It prevents the waste from staining and marking the toilet bowl making it easier to clean. It also ensures efficient disposal of the waste and eliminated odors, so you don’t need to clean your toilet as often.

Cuts Down Cost of Expensive Cleaning Supplies and Toilet Maintenance

Trackless flush sheets keep your toilet bowl clean and prevent markings. This means you don’t need so many expensive cleaning products and tools to keep the toilet cleaned and odor-free. Our flush sheets are also perfect for bathroom facilities where there are no toilet brushes available.

They are also very cost-effective as they prevent any damage to the plumbing system from excessive flushing and harsh cleaning agents. Commonly used chemicals in cleaning products such as chlorinated phenols and formaldehyde are not only highly toxic for the environment but can also damage plumbing systems.

3 Key Reasons to Use Trackless Flush Sheets

Prevents Excessive Water Usage

Flushing the toilets regularly accounts for over 30% of the water usage of the entire household. Excessive flushing to get rid of the waste can increase the water bills and wastes a lot of water unnecessarily. By inserting the flush sheets before using the toilet, you will only need to flush once, and the flush sheets do the rest.

By folding over the fecal matter and flushed paper, the flush sheets carry it down the waste line while efficiently without leaving behind any residue or unpleasant smells that require flushing the toilet multiple times!

Order High-Quality Toilet Flush Sheets Today!

Trackless Flush Sheets are high-quality soluble toilet flush sheets that can be placed inside commodes. They contain useful bacteria-eating enzymes that help break down the waste and flushed paper at a molecular level to ensure safe and environment-friendly disposal. The specially designed, American standard toilet sheets ensure the efficiency of your toilet while keeping the plumbing from getting damaged.

For more information on how to order trackless commode flush sheet, you can contact us at (770)-325-0826.